
Chinese FM calls on young diplomats to carry forward China-Pakistan friendship

By Staff Reporter | Gwadar Pro May 7, 2023

ISLAMABAD -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang has called on young diplomats of China and Pakistan to jointly carry forward the two countries' friendship and promote world peace, justice and progress.

With the presence of Pakistan's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar, Qin made the remarks when attending a ceremony here on Friday to unveil a memorial plaque for the Foreign Service Academy of Pakistan, which was rebuilt on the previous compound of the Chinese embassy in Pakistan.

The visiting Chinese foreign minister interacted with young diplomats of Pakistan and China and shared his perspective on historic ties between the two countries, urging his young peers to be action-takers as well as advocates of China-Pakistan friendship.

Qin said that China advocates that all countries should be independent and follow a development path suited to their national realities, and calls for mutual respect, equality and win-win cooperation among countries.

In addition, China advocates that disputes should be resolved through dialogue and consultation without resorting to force or the threat of force, and that countries should join hands to address global challenges, he said.

The young diplomats of both countries should act in line with the trend of the times and the aspirations of the people of all countries, and oppose erecting barriers, inciting confrontation and stoking "a new Cold War," he said.

Qin noted that the China-Pakistan community with a shared future has profound historical roots, solid public support and strong practical needs.

China and Pakistan must redouble their efforts to ensure the success of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in order to bring more benefits to the two peoples, the Chinese foreign minister said.

The Foreign Service Academy is the training arm of the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Established in September 1981, the academy has trained hundreds of Pakistani and foreign diplomats, according to the ministry's official website.

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